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The Moon Township Police Department provides fingerprint services to the public as follows:

The Moon Township Police Department will only process finger print cards for residents of the Township of Moon, employees of resident businesses at the request of that business, and resident U.S. military reservations.

  • It is suggested that you call to schedule fingerprinting

  • Allow sufficient time because fingerprinting is dependent on the availability of the officers on duty. Emergency and certain other calls will take priority over fingerprinting

  • We do not do fingerprinting for immigration and naturalization processing

  • Fingerprinting will not be done without valid photo identification

  • Please bring all necessary cards with you. We do not provide fingerprint cards

  • Fingerprint services are free to residents of Moon Township. Please bring proof of residence

  • Fingerprint services for qualifying non-Moon residents will be charged a $10 fee per fingerprint card.


To check on the availability of fingerprint services call our dispatch center 412-262-5000

All content remains the property of the Moon Township Police Department and may be subject to copyright protection.
Moon Township Police Department  | 990 Beaver Grade Road, Moon Township, PA 15108  |  412-262-5000
Chief of Police - Frank Starko      Police Lieutenants - Shener Ulke & William Lonkert                  

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